Monday, January 12, 2009

HCG Day 5, Miss Chloe, and Bentleys special day

I know you guys might be getting sick of hearing about this, but I am really trying to keep track of my progress. If you are sick of it, just skip to the next paragraph! :) As of this morning, I had lost right around 5 pounds. So far, averaging a pound a day. I have managed to get past the whole "feeling" hungry when I knew I really wasn't. It used to be that I would eat whatever was on my plate, simply because it was there. I was overeating- not because I was hungry, but because I thought I needed more. I realized that by giving myself smaller portions I eat less (duh!). Jesus, however, has really had a hard time, and still felt hungry after a meal. So we talked to the nurse, and she suggested giving him a slightly larger portion, or a hard boiled egg in the morning. This has helped him a lot. I also wanted to mention that the only reason people succeed on this diet is because of the HCG hormone. It provides the body with the rest of the nutrients is needs by feeding off the fat in your body. If someone were to try to do a 500 calorie diet without the HCG, they would likely fail.

Anyway, onto bigger and better things! Today I saw Chloe pushing around her stroller, but her baby doll wasn't in it. I looked closer and realized that if this doesn't describe Chloe - I don't know what does!

In case you can't tell, thats Bentley's hammer strapped into the seat. This girl is a perfect mix of tom boy, and girly girl. Yesterday she was riding her pink Barbie four-wheeler around, and hit a curb which sent her toppling off the back. Instead of crying, she just hopped up and jumped right back on.

Today Bentley went to Preschool and came home with this.

All the kids get a chance to do this once during the school year. The teacher traces his body onto a peice of paper, then she asks all the kids in the class what they like about that child. My favorite was the little girl who said that "Bentley shares with me", and "I like to play cars with Bentley".

Also, I found two more pictures of Jesus from our trip to California that MUST post.
The first one is when we were shopping in L.A. If you don't catch the joke right away, I don't think we can be friends anymore. (Hint: look above his head@)

The other one was in Costco while we were shopping for the food for our New Years feast. The first thing that got me was that Costco sells alcohol - in bulk!, and the second was that they have Cristal! Jesus was half tempted to buy it just he could think he was a baller, but I wasn't about to shell out $250 on a bottle of champagne that I for sure wasn't drinking!


McKinna said...

your pics were super cute- and totally made me laugh! i love the hammer & stroller- what a funny girl! So CUTE! Good one of ur hubby 2 with the atm.... mines the same way! ;)

Lenzi said...

Jesus is a dork. Chloe cracks me up. And Bentley IS special! HCG isnt very fun is it?!?!

Chelsey said...

glad you are making progress, i have friends at work doing it and she looks like she is really struggling, but she also has A LOT more weight to loose than you. i about died when i saw the hammer in the stroller, gotta love that girl. and yes.. jesus is a human atm. (i got the joke before reading the paragraph, does that mean that we are bff's?)