Sunday, September 14, 2008

day 4

things I am grateful for -
* lanolin cream
*family - there is no way I could have gotten through the last little bit of this pregnancy and these past few days without the help of my mom, grandma, and various other people. THANK YOU!
* 3-4 hour stretches of sleeping baby
*things that keep Bentley and Chloe occupied for more than a few minutes
* the smell of new baby
* sleep
* boppy pillows
*that I can drink diet coke and coffee without guilt again
*monkey arms and chicken legs, both of which mattix possesses

1 comment:

Lenzi said...

Yea for coffee and diet coke!!! We need to get out there to see your new little booger! He looks so stinkin cute and I was so sad when jeff got to go see him at the hospital without me :( I want to see him soon!