I was tagged by Nancy, and haven't had much of a chance to sit down and do it. I was also tagged by a few other people, and I promise I wasn't avoiding them, its just that my life was a bit hectic there for a minute!
You are supposed to answer these questions with one word. I know some answers have more than one word, but it was
1. Where is your cell phone? ....................Jesus
2. Your significant other?.......................working
3. Your hair?....................................growing
4. Your mother? .................................amazing!
5. Your father?..................................absent
6. Your favorite thing?..........................love
7. Your dream last night?........................work
8. Your favorite drink...........................
dietcoke9. Your dream/goal?..............................interior design
10. The room you're in?..........................office
11. Your children?.....................................hilarious
12. Your fear?...................................losing
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years........... happy
14. Where were you last night?...................work
15. What you're not?.............................busy
16. Muffins......................................chocolate chocolate chip
17. One of your wish list items?.................bedroom set
18. Where you grew up?...........................St. George
19. What you read last........................twilight
20. What are you wearing?........................uniform
21. Your TV?.....................................big
22. Your pets?...................................none
23. Your computer? ..............................home
24. Your life?...................................better
25. Your mood?...................................sleepy
26. Missing someone?.............................always
27. Your car?....................................
tahoe28. Something you're not wearing?................flip flops
29. Favorite Store?..............................target
30. Your summer?.................................long (pregnant)
31. Like someone?................................ love him
32. Your favorite color?.........................pink
33. Last time you laughed........................barely
34. Last time you cried?.........................two days
I tag Marci, Lenzi and Dayna. Have fun! (if you actually do it!)