Monday, April 28, 2008

4 Years... and some odd days

I am a bit late in posting this, but life has been a bit all over the place lately. The 24th of April was Jesus and I's 4th Anniversary. It was a Thursday, and I had to work, so we were forced to wait to celebrate. On Saturday we had a birthday party for Daisy (Jesus' neice) at our house. Afterwards my mom asked if she could take the kiddies overnight so she could take them to church. She had twist my arm just a bit, but I gave in... (hope you can sense the sarcasm!) So Jesus and I decided to make the best of it. Despite both of us being exhausted from the days activities we decided this was a perfect time to celebrate. We cruised town for a bit and looked for something exciting to do and were left at a loss. For 3 years we have done mainly child friendly activities. If we had the kids with us we would have quickly drove to Jump'n Jax or Fiesta Fun. Neither of us were overly hungry since we had just eaten at the birthday party, but we decided to go to Samurai 21 and sit at the sushi bar. Jesus ordered two sushi rolls, and I ordered the Tempura Shrimp, which came with the nummy Miso soup and ginger salad that they have at the Hibachi grill. In the words of Rachel Ray - numm-o! It was only around 9 o'clock at that point so we considered a movie, but our dropping eyelids made us believe neither one of us would stay awake through it, so what did we do? Drove straight home and went to sleep! The next morning was even better. We slept in until almost 10:00! Something I don't think either of us have done in several years. Then we went to breakfast. It was nice to enjoy a hot chocolate without a three year old sticking their finger in your whipped cream, or Chloe having a melt down because the pancakes aren't coming fast enough. It was a nice slow relaxed type of breakfast, definitely not the norm in my house! I can't thank mom enough even though I know she enjoys having them as much as I enjoy the break. The kids had a great time and even got to Pine Valley. Mom got some great pictures of that, including Chloe wanting to take a dip in Pine Valley Reservoir. BRRRRR. Hopefully I can get a copy and I will post a few pictures of that soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's so important to have those few minutes of alone time I know my friends say you should try going on a date with your husband once a week but who has the time or the babysitter always to do that right??? Anyways I think it's great you guys got a break besides kids need a break from mom and dad every now and then too. The food all sounded great but I bet it had wheat in it...sigh.. so I probably couldn't have ate it anyways lol ok I am yapping and it is late and I am really missing a good piece of bread right about now