Sunday, January 13, 2008


Well, I know you know this already Megan, but I thought I better blog it so it's official, and so I made sure Tennille knew.....

I'm pregnant! Hahaha, this was definately not expected or planned, but we are very excited. Bentley is starting to grasp the concept a little bit and with how well he adjusted when we had Chloe I am not too worried about him. Chloe on the other hand.... she is a bit more high strung. We will have to wait and see how that goes....

Anyway, here's the blurry picture of the pregnancy test

Our estimated due date is September 8th, so yes, I will be huge fat and pregnant ALL SUMMER LONG! I give Megan kudos for not finding out what she was having but I honestly think I would have anxiety attacks if I did that so we will be finding out the sex as soon as possible. I would also like to try a 3-D ultrasound this time around and see if there's a difference. Probably not but it would be fun. Anyway, I will keep you posted on the pregnancy and I am hoping to post monthly pics of my growing belly so watch for that!


Megan said...

oooh, I like the new blog design, and congrats on the little one! I have a sister in law who is due the 5th of Sept. Babies everywhere! Have fun! Three is a new adventure!

Unknown said...

thats great that your pregnant congratulations