I thought this time would be different. I thought maybe, just maybe it won't happen this time. I hoped I could get away with it. Maybe I can sneak through without it happening again. I mean why does this have to happen? I will stop being cryptic and annoying and just come out with it.
Its started... the morning sickness.....
I felt good in the beginning- tired, but not sick. Then yesterday it hit me, and again today. At least it's not haunting me all day - yet....
If this pregnancy is anything like my other two, it will only get worse. I am determined not to let it get as bad as before though. As you may recall, I was so sick I couldn't hold down water. Even chewing gum would cause me to dry heave (too much info... sorry). With both pregnancies I had to go to the Instacare and get an IV to rehydrate me. While pregnant with Chloe I found a miracle cure.
Its an over the counter sleep aid that for some reason helps with nausea. I would take half a pill at night, and would wake up feeling fine in the morning. However, if I missed a day... look out! I actually went to Salt Lake to see Chelsey and forgot my Unisom. I had to run to Wal-mart and buy some just to make it through the trip.
At least this time around I know what to watch for and how to prevent it. I just wish I was one of those lucky girls that gets away with being pregnant and not being sick. Hmph... (pouty face....)