Thursday, August 14, 2008

Salt Lake = Lots of Pictures!

We just got back from my sisters wedding in Salt Lake. We had such a great time.
The Happy CoupleBentley and Seth were the ring bearers....
Seth was excited with his responsibility.... Bentley..... not so much
Jesus was a groomsman, and I was a bridesmaid...

The kids played......

We danced..... (Aren't my mom and Bob so cute?)
We conga lined....
And then we crashed....
Some harder than others....

Here are some random pictures of how cute my kids are and other stuff...

The beautiful cake

My Stud Muffin sonMy brother Derek with Chloe and my sister Lindsey in the backgroundNiki, her baby Ava and BobThe Many Faces of Chloe.....
Not quite sure what this look is about....
We decided the make this trip into a mini-vacation since its so hard to drag Jesus away from work. We got a condo in Park City and shared with my mom and crew. We went shopping, out to eat and spent a lot of time with friends and family. One night we went to dinner with Chelsey and Alan. Afterwards we went to Boondocks, a family fun center. Jesus, Bentley, Chels and Alan went to ride the go-karts and Chloe and I hung back since one of us it pregnant and the other is too small. We had to wait a while since there was a long line. Well, I guess Chloe got tired because I looked over and this is what I saw....

I put the kids in the bath one night and we all learned a valuable lesson....

Bubbles + Jetted Tub = Problems.....

Bentley wanted to sit in the hot tub on the deck, but since it had sat uncovered overnight it was looking pretty nasty. I offered to put him in the bath tub and turn the jets on and that made him happy. I walked out for a minute to gather pajamas and what not (don't turn me in to CPS, I could hear them the whole time! ) and Bentley decided they needed bubbles and dumped half a bottle of shampoo in the water. At first the bubbles weren't too bad, but then they kept growing and growing because of the jets. When I couldn't see Chloe's neck anymore I decided it was time to turn the jets off and drain the tub. It took 20 minutes of rinsing to get all the bubbles out of the tub, not to mention off the floor...


Charity Brown said...

Wow!!! Lots to comment on! First of all, the wedding GORGEOUS!!! All the dresses, cake, tuxes, etc. look sooo beautiful! Your kids are just darling! And what a fun vacation! I love the picture of Chloe laying on the ground (Ryan does the same thing and says "Night-night"...) and the bubbles!! Haha! What a fun time it looks like you guys are having!

Unknown said...

Im glad you put the pictures of the wedding on. I am still sad I was able to go even though I was invited. JaCoby was just so sick (new updated pictures) anyways I just wanted to say love the pictures and Niki looks gorgeous and can you believe I still have yet to meet Ava?? Give my hugs to everyone!!!!! Did your mom cut her hair??? She looks gorgeous!!!!!

Megan said...

so funny about the bubbles. I also liked the comment about some crashing harder than others...was that hinting at something else???

Love the pictures...I had seen most of them, so I'll have to post some of mine, whenever I get around to it!

Lenzi said...

SO fun, and you brave was AL PREGO!! That cake was OFF THE CHARTS gorgeous! Who did she have do it?? I gotta get them for JJs bday, even if i have to go to SLC to get it!!!!

Kim Martin said...

SOOOOOO cute! And I'm obsessed with that cake!!! AMAZING!