Saturday, May 3, 2008

Oh Chloe....

what to say about this girl? She is adventurous, fearless, and determined. The following picture was taken yesterday morning. After her morning bath. Bentley woke up and asked for yogurt for breakfast. I knew it would make a mess but since they needed baths anyway, I wasn't too worried about it. I set them up at the table and let them eat. Of course, Chloe was covered from head to toe. After they were done I put them in the bath and got them cleaned up. Shortly after I hear chairs moving in the kitchen but didn't think much of it because Chloe likes to push things around. A little bit later I decided to check on her and this is what I found.....

I was thrilled. (sense the sarcasm?) She had managed to push her chair up the table, climb up (we have a bar height table!) and find the left overs of her yogurt. I stuck her in the kitchen sink and she got another quickie bath.

I can't wait for the "terrible two's" with this one!


Marci said...

what a little stinker...ya sounds like you will for sure have your hands full with this one! but she does look so cute in yogurt!

Unknown said...

Mom said that she is so cute but very busy she said she put Chloe on the piano bench and you know Mom she has had a ton of grandchildren and she said that Chloe was the only one that wasn't content to just sit right down at the piano nope not Chloe she said she wanted to climb up on top of the piano I had a big laugh when I heard this news. Mom thought it was very funny and I said well she probably keeps Rickell pretty busy but now looking at this picture I can only imagine just how busy lol sorry I just find it quite funny