Saturday, May 10, 2008


I know I already posted today, but I am killing time at work. I am hoping someone has the second book in the Twilight series they will let me borrow? I have seriously gone to the library like 4 times and of course they are all checked out. I know I can be put on a list ot have it held for me, but I don't have the patience for that. I am also too cheap to go out and buy books. I know I will only read them once, so why buy them? Anyway, if anyone wants to be so generous as to let me borrow the book (seriously I will only have it for like 4 days!) I would appreciate it! If not, I will continue to wait not so patiently...

1 comment:

The Hesch said...

Hey Rickell...this is Nancy. I have the second and third book of the Twilight series and you are more than welcome to borrow them. Give me a call and let me know you're address or I'll give you my address...275-4402 or my cell 229 8190.