This is something that has been bothering me lately. It is going to sound silly and trivial to most people, but there will be some who see my point.
The last couple weeks they have been doing some type of construction on Dixie Drive, the main road that runs by our subdivision. This in itself does not bother me, but some of the workers do. (Disclaimer: I am not a construction worker. I do not know all the the ins and outs of construction jobs, and have no clue all that is involved in this gentleman's job. I hope I don't offend anyone...:) ) You know the guy who holds the sign that says "slow", and on the opposite side its a "stop" sign? Well, his job seems pretty simple right? Hold the sign so the drivers are aware they are in a construction zone and the keep their speed down. Occasionally if he gets the signal to stop traffic he has to turn the sign around to the other side to ask people to stop..... not rocket science right? Well, I have heard they get paid a fairly decent amount of money to do this since its considered "hazardous" or something. Well, there the guy who is supposed to be holding the sign in my neighborhood doesn't even bother to hold it. He leans the dang thing up against a traffic cone. He stands fairly close, but honestly, if all you have to do is hold a sign and you get paid a nice chunk of cash to do it, can't you make sure you actually do it?
Oh well, I feel better now....