Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Meaning of Life

I met an amazing man today. He is staying at the Spa and is here from the Dominican Republic. He mentioned that he had been married for 35 years. When he saw my surprise he told me what he believes is his secret. He said it was never easy, but they took life step by step. First with their small apartment, while saving all their money to buy a lot to build on. Then later they built their home. One step at a time they worked up their wealth. They didn't mind not being able to buy a boat, or a nice car right away because they knew that later in life they would reap the benefits. They both had the same goals, and the same plan. Now he is one of the wealthiest men in his country, as well as having an healthy happy marriage.
There were many instances where he would have to travel alone for work. He knew how hard this was on his wife, so from time to time he would tell her "Regardless of what you have going on, regardless of it we can afford it, I am flying you out to meet me and spend the last few days of my trip with me." He said she was a wife and mother before anything else, and his family was first priority in his life.
"When you are twenty and thirty years old, your mind is different than when you are older", he told me. Now, years later they have 3 children, two son-in-laws, and four grandchildren. He says that when there are four children in pajamas all jumping and climbing on his bed in their pajamas, he knows what the meaning of life is.


JustLivingMYLife said...

Oh my gosh! that is seriously the cutest thing I have ever heard! How sweet of a man is he! Wow

Its amazing how we can make life if we want to make it the best we can :D

Marci said...

that is such a sweet story...gosh what a lucky guy to have figured it all out!

Marci said...

were do you go to zumba class at?

rickellespinoza said...

i go to golds gym. you should come!

Lenzi said...

Rickell.. are you telling me that those kind of men exist?!?! LOL.. that is a cute story! And yes.. we need to hang out with the kiddos.. maybe saturday?? Call me!

DaynaDouble said...

I hope I can be just like him and appreciate every moment with my little angels and have a happy healthy marriage 35 years down the road, but heaven knows it is not easy ;)

djzmcallister said...

Such great advice, thanks for sharing it with us. It is so true, our mind sets change a lot, even in just a couple months it changes, and we realize what we really want in life.

Barney Family said...

This is so true, that is the meaning to life, god wants us to be happy and replenish the earth, nothing is more important than family and some people don't understand it all until later down the road, that's why it's great you share this with us all, it should be an eye opener to the people that take life for granite and realize the true meaning of life and so we can realize that now; so we can cherish all these moments sooner than later.

Barney Family said...

Hey girl, your probably really busy but where are some new pics? Lol! miss you anh hope you are really staying strong! xoxo!

Stevo and Annie said...

Rikelle! I love your blog. You sound so positive despite the hard circumstances you are in. Go girl! I have a brown coffee table I need to get rid (before we move) of if you want...nail polished tables aren't the best:)